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In 2019, I partnered with the Wild Animal Conservation Institute (ICAS) to create stunning sculptures of Brazil's giant armadillos through meticulous life casting. This project began when a senior biologist from the Wild Animal Conservation Institute (ICAS) was visiting the Naples Zoo and was inspired by a sculpture of a life cast from an American Alligator taken at the Zoo. This chance encounter at the Zoo, sparked a transformative idea and eventual collaboration with me, the dedicated artist who created that Alligator cast. Our mission? To illuminate and celebrate the enigmatic giant armadillos of Brazil through the art of life casting.
I was brought to Brazil to go out in the field with the ICAS giant armadillo team for this week-long collaboration, where three armadillos (Sara, Bianca, and Tex) were caught to update ICAS records and check the health of the animal in the Pantanal. After routine health assessments were performed, I worked with ICAS leaders, Danilo and Gabriel, to meticulously life-casts the giant armadillo's distinctive claws and robust feet. Each casting session was a delicate dance of science and art, ensuring precision and respect for the animals’ well-being*. At the end of this trip, we were able to create casts of claws, feet, a headplate, and a back.
Returning to the studio, equipped with these invaluable casts, my expertise as an artist came into play so that these objects could continue to make an impact. With care and attention to detail, molds were crafted to capture every nuance of the armadillo's anatomy for future replications. From the rugged texture of skin to the unique contours of their claws, each sculpture emerged as a testament to the beauty and resilience of these remarkable creatures. These artworks represent a harmonious blend of scientific integrity and artistic vision, offering a lifelike experience that transcends traditional education and outreach efforts.
After five years partnering and working together to use these casts as educational tools, we are excited to expand this effort again to make these casts available to you! Each sculpture embodies the unique beauty and resilience of these elusive creatures, meticulously captured through a blend of artistry and scientific precision. They serve as compelling focal points for fundraising efforts, ideal for donor gifts and impactful additions to any conservation-minded collection.
* All animals were safely cast, as they were being monitored by Vet staff and no harm came to them during these life casting sessions. This process is not something that should be performed without the proper direction and experience in life-casting. If interested in collaborating to life cast, please visit my “Collaborate” page to connect!